The Company OpenApp deals with implementing and adjusting OpenSource products for companies and organizations.
Our customers include the Ministry of Defense, Many Hospitals, Tel Aviv University, Technion, Alvarion, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation, ElAl, Motorola and more.
The company deals within four domains:
● Hospital Multimedia Systems, this system is a smart integration of OpenSource tools and code that the company developed. The system lets every hospital visitor get TV channels, VOD, Internet and games near his bed. Some of the services are not free and can simply be ordered through the creditcard. The whole system including connections to creditcard companies and billing is maintained by OpenApp LTD. To “feel” the system you can watch the attached movie here. (
● Open Source CMSes such as Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress. Our company developed advanced applicative web sites using these technologies, that includes racing in inscription to systems, Ecommerce including credit cards and billing, advanced web sites and more.
● Moodle - Moodle (acronym for Modular ObjectOriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free software elearning platform, also known as a Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Atar + Plus is the leading company in Israel that supports the Academy Moodle system implementation, and develop, integrate and support Moodle in companies such as Ceragon, comverse, El Al and more.
● Custom made Web Applications for special applications that have special requirements that aren’t found on CMSes. For these cases we use PHP Frameworks such as Cake PHP and Smarty. These technologies allow us to use standards in coding and databases and make the code easier to read/change and maintain. These applications includes BI on data that is collected from multiple sources, automation of reports emails and more.